Currency Converter
Currency Converterは通貨変換アプリケーションです。日本円、USドル、イギリスポンド、ユーロ、スイスフラン、ベトナムドンの通貨変換が可能です。以下本アプリケーションの注意事項です。(1)Currency ConverterはGoogle APIを使用して通貨レートを取得しています。通...
Currency Converterは通貨変換アプリケーションです。日本円、USドル、イギリスポンド、ユーロ、スイスフラン、ベトナムドンの通貨変換が可能です。以下本アプリケーションの注意事項です。(1)Currency ConverterはGoogle APIを使用して通貨レートを取得しています。通...
*** Currency Converter Calculator App ****Currency Converter Calculator and Foreign Money Exchange Rates .The GoCurrency currency converter has been t...
Currency converter is a small application that helps you make fast currency conversions while doing other things on your mobile phone. For example, yo...
This is calculator that converts:* From DP to PX* From PX to DPAnd is calculating for all available display metrics: XXXHDPI, XXHDPI, XHDPI, HDPI, TVD...
Get access to the all the currency rates from BFC Bahrain anytime and anywhere. It uses 3G, 4G or Wifi (depending on what is available) to get the lat...
Calculators & Unit Converters is a unique beautiful FREE advanced app which consists of many calculators and lots of unit converters including CURRENC...
This is the Ad Free version of Calculators & Unit Converters which is a unique beautiful advanced app which consists of many calculators and lots of u...
A minimalistic application that provides a variety of medical calculators offline use. The aim was to provide certain calculators that can be used on-...
MediCal is a medical calculator for helping health professionals with the most common calculations.Calculations: -LDL / VLDL Cholesterol -Body Mass In...
This is a simple calculator for nurses that you can use whenever you need to calculate something quick.Current features:- Mass per liquid- Percentages...