Business Travel Logger
Business Travel Logger is a lightning-fast mileage ledger / mileage logger / journey logger - including expenses - for your private/business travel, a...
Business Travel Logger is a lightning-fast mileage ledger / mileage logger / journey logger - including expenses - for your private/business travel, a...
Plan your next road trip. Have an estimate of how much will spend on fuel before hitting the road. Additionally, you can add other expenses such as ho...
It's better than TripAdvisor, Expedia or Priceline -- plan your trip before booking! Tripmark's Trip Planner which helps you to organize every...
Field Trip 熟知許多酷炫不為人知的奇特事物,是您探索周遭世界的最佳響導。Field Trip 會在手機的背景執行,當您接近有趣的事物時,即會自動彈出卡片說明地點詳細資訊,您完全無需進行任何操作。如果您的手機接上了頭戴式耳機或藍牙裝置,Field Trip 甚至會以語音方式提供資訊。Fiel...
Field Job Reporting is a boon for those organizations and individuals looking to seamlessly manage their field jobs. It is the essential scheduler and...
Are you travelling to Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, Rome, Florence, Prague, Barcelona, Seville, Berlin, Milan, Granada, Malaga, Crete, Majorcca, Warsaw or...
Glosbe - العربية-التاميلية قاموس الوسائط المتعددة، التاميلية-العربيةالميزات الرئيسية:- ترجمة العبارات / تعبيرات ذات معان- أمثلة من استخدام العبارات ال...
Glosbe - मल्टीमीडिया शब्दकोश हिन्दी-तमिल, तमिल-हिन्दीमुख्य विशेषताएं:- अर्थ के साथ वाक्यांशों / अभिव्यक्ति का अनुवाद- अनुवादित वाक्यांशों के उपयोग के ... designs and combines information technology and experiences and offers IT as a service to local community and restaurants.IT is delivered an...
--- For Sandbox Only application for designs and combines information technology and experiences and offers IT as a...