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Moodle (abbreviation for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free source e-learning software platform, also known as a Learning...

Apk Downloader

APK Downloader is an application that allows you to download APK files from Google play store without installing the app on your Android device.It use...

Virtual Trainer Stretch

使用 Virtual Trainer 伸展 优化您的训练成效!- 观看 64 种锻炼的高清 HD 视频找寻灵感。- 创建您自己的个人锻炼方式。- 使用我们的互动 Tabata 和 HIIT 计时器,开始锻炼。- 通过完成锻炼赚取点数来追踪进度。- 针对特定肌肉群查找对应的锻炼方式。锻炼视频由 Den...


This program emulates the hardware modem on your Android phone. It allows your phone to share wifi or mobile connection over the bluetooth channel wit...


用安卓手机,装安卓市场! 最丰富的应用和游戏,一亿用户第一选择 最智能的下载和升级,节省流量高达90% 最高效的审核和把控,手机安全远离病毒. 1.「菜单键」可开/关抽屉栏; 2. 新增省流量模式,在2G/3G不显示图片; 3.「通知栏」显示下载进度; 4.「已忽略软件」能直接升级; 5. 优化图...