Introducing the Windows featured blue screen onto your phone.1st rule: do NOT run this program, you're warned2nd rule: up, up, down, down, left, r...
Introducing the Windows featured blue screen onto your phone.1st rule: do NOT run this program, you're warned2nd rule: up, up, down, down, left, r...
In the cloud technology era, it realizes the interconnectivity and interoperability between TV and smart mobile phone. nScreen is multi-screen interac...
Displays simple but useful information about your device's screen.This is especially intended for developers who want to know the right classifica...
Sie kennen INFOSCREEN aus U-Bahn, Bus und Straßenbahn? Sie mögen den interessanten Mix aus Nachrichten, Veranstaltungshinweisen, Wissen und Tipps? Und...
Full screen for tablets!Automatically hide the systembar depending on currently active app. Use your tablet in fullscreen-mode without losing systemba...
Game Screen is a living wallpaper that enables a mobile user to play without browsing to application. Suppose you were cooped up in a bus on your way ...
Full screen for tablets!Hide the systembar and use your tablet in fullscreen-mode without losing systembars main functions: navigation options and not...
Screen Capture Bluetooth >> App that allows users to make computer screen shots remotely, via bluetooth connection. User can make complete print scree...
¿Sueles olvidar donde dejaste el coche después de una noche de fiesta? ¿Dejas el coche en tantos sitios distintos que ya no sabes cual fué el último?C...
nScreen is a Digital Media Controller(DMC), which can play audio, video, images stored on your phone to Digital Media Renderer(DMR).Supported media ty...