ble apple

铃声管家 Ringo Pro 汉化版

手机铃声给我们带来的当然不仅仅是提醒我们有人找,同时也给了我们无限的乐趣。铃声设置Ringo Pro(android版)是一款辅助设置铃声的助手软件。 功能:-可设置来电震动方式-可设置来电银幕灯光颜色-可设置短讯铃声-群组来电设置!ps:记得当你设置短讯铃声前,把手机原装短讯铃声设置为无声; 友情...

Crumble Messenger

《Crumble Messenger》采用“阅后即焚”的聊天方式来保障用户隐私,与传统的阅后即焚类app一样,用户通过Crumble Messenger所发送的信息,在60秒之后自动销毁。并且最重要的一点是,用户使用这款程序不需要进行注册,可以以游客身份使用。免費玩Crumble Messenger...

BLE Tool

Bluetooth Low Energy is incredibly flexible; anyone can create a custom profile for specific applications and still adhere to the Bluetooth SIG.Blueto...

BLE Checker

BLE Checker help you to determine whether BLE is supported on your device.* Simply app as you see in the screenshoots.* Support Android 2.1 devices (A...