MD Advisor: Oral Contraceptive
An evidence-based interactive algorithm for selecting the safest and most effective oral contraceptive for your patient. Based on the latest guideline...
An evidence-based interactive algorithm for selecting the safest and most effective oral contraceptive for your patient. Based on the latest guideline...
This app helps you to remind when you have to take your birth control pill. If you forget your pill sometimes, this app is for you. If you want, this ...
Contraceptive pill is an application designed for women who take the pill and want to take complete control. It is configurable for reminding you dail...
Pill reminder application is specially dedicated for girls who take the contraceptive pill.Pill reminder allows you to be notified by Android Notifica...
爱生活 爱新鲜 爱吐槽无力 爱天马行空 爱面子 更爱默契 爱交友 更爱老友 我不是face to face 我是面对面 我曾有过许多梦想 现在最大的梦想是: 这份默契,我不说,你也懂。 功能介绍: ➢『面相』通过面相测算您的个性素描、性格、事业、婚姻; ➢『缘分测算』TA爱你吗?你懂TA吗?你身边有...
Want to know what dishes to expect when you try Indonesian food? This reference of popular Indonesian foods can ease your mind (and your stomach) by p...
2011년 정통 토정비결 토정 이지함의 술서를 바탕으로하여 144괘를 현대적 의미로 알기쉽게 재해석하였습니다. 인생의 길흉지사를 144괘로 분석하여 이를 재해석한 현대역학의 새로운 비결입니다. 천년비서가 과거의 역학이었다면 현대는 새로운 역학적 패러다임을 가져야 합니다...
不属于你的计算能力,这些天? 最适合你这样的应用程序! “心算!”心算简单地说是一种游戏。 此外,在一个人的头部,在屏幕上显示的序列号,请回答。 在这场比赛中有两种模式。 你可以把它简单的心算训练:训练模式。我玩的孩子,因为你可以设置的位数的速度也慢的眼睛! 这是一个模式竞争的秒数回答:挑战模式。将...
Use Photo story to make hilarious, heart-warming and inspiring stories with your photos and share with friends and family. Photo story helps you combi...
多久没感受到大自然的声音了? 多久没睡觉睡到自然醒了? 天籁中的音乐是大自然音乐的代名词,音乐中包含来自瑞士的罗春湖畔、玫瑰山麓和阿尔卑斯山的风声、流水声、虫声、鸟鸣,浪涛和风啸等天然音效,镇静您的情绪,松弛身心,给您以返回大自然的感觉. 听天籁,Alpha脑电波会增加,左右脑的沟通亦会更加有效,智...