bill of lading範例

Exchange life

許多女性在國小到高中時期,均有與親密好友進行「交換日記」的經歷,然而,隨著網路社群的普及,「交換日記」的概念似乎漸漸淡漠,矛盾的是,當我們利用網路社群發布訊息、公開動態時,有時卻又希冀只要跟某(些)特定朋友分享即可。為因應如此心理層面的需求,「Exchange Life」手機應用程式提供一平台予使用...

EXChange PRO

An easy to use free currency converter with no ads but simple interface. - In 5 languages and more than 170 currencies. - With integrated calculator -...

Garmin Exchanger

The program allows you to share data with a GPS receiver Garmin,connected via the USB host. Tested with the following devices GARMIN: - eTrex Legend ...