big big 2

大的大2 big big 2

描述由于“2”这个游戏的规则是最大的牌,我们把它称为“大2”。这场比赛是2,3,或4名球员,其中每收到13张牌。首先,请注意,该卡是排名第2 AKQJ10 9 8 765 4 3,黑桃,红桃,方块,黑桃最大的俱乐部的顺序。持有3卡的玩家开始弃一张牌集。您可以丢弃的单,双,直,同花顺,全套房,4的一种...

big big 2

Description Since "2" is the biggest card in the rule of this game, we called it as "Big 2". This game is for 2, 3, or 4 players in which each receive...

Big Deal 2

This application, BigDeal 2, helps to manage the purchase and sell processes for individual or small business by providing the tabs of a variety of fu...

Big Two

A popular Asian card game with rules that model closely after Poker. The only exception is the Two of Spades, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds are considered t...