Wristponder for Pebble
Wristponder lets you send customized pre-set (or 'canned') SMS messages from your Pebble smartwatch! Perfect for times when you need to reply,...
Wristponder lets you send customized pre-set (or 'canned') SMS messages from your Pebble smartwatch! Perfect for times when you need to reply,...
Launch all your phone apps from your Pebble. And "Google Voice Search" for starting Google Now voice search or Voice commands! If you find any bugs or...
Discover great applications for your Pebble smart watch!Being a proud Pebble smartwatch owner we often had a problem finding apps amidst the marketpla...
Launch all your phone apps from your Pebble.And "Google Voice Search" for starting Google Now voice search or Voice commands!Tap on the "Applications"...
Awear lets you communicate instantly from your pebble. Respond to messages with your phone in your pocket.★ SMS- Receive and Respond to SMS with a few...
KEEP IT SAFE 2: http://goo.gl/D2lQx3保證它的安全是一個遊戲,玩家需要對車輛的控制,使他們能夠運輸各種貨物的最終目的地(市場) 。他們的目標是積累盡可能多的財政狀況,因為他們可以解鎖下一輛車或級別,每個不同於其他。比賽進行到結束,但保留貨物安全的同時。遊戲特色:- ...
奇迹幻想 Wonder Flick是一款由Level-5出品的RPG游戏。画风延续了该公司惯用的 3D Q 版风格,玩家按照自己喜好创建游戏角色展开冒险。游戏的装备系统跟同类游戏大同小异,不过,游戏独创的徽章组合则领衔了游戏的新亮点,玩家可通过不同类型的徽章施展花样繁多的攻击,短短3分钟即可让玩家体...
机动战士高达Seed命运时隔一年半,BANDAI继前作《Gundam Seed GE》后又推出了系列最新作《Gundam Seed Destiny GE》。本作在系统上没多大变化,基本上算是对前作的补充和完善。颇具突破性的是本作的战斗画面不仅采用了1:1真实比例机体,还起用了时下最流行的动画渲染技术...
数独 是一种源自18世纪末的瑞士,后在美国发展、并在日本得以发扬光大的数学智力拼图游戏。拼图是九宫格(即3格宽×3格高)的正方形状,每一格又细分为一个九宫格。在每一个小九宫格中,分别填上1至9的数字,让整个大九宫格每一列、每一行的数字都不重复。 数独的玩法逻辑简单,数字排列方式千变万化。不少教育者认...