Fitness Band
在现今忙碌生活中城市人对自己的健康管理往往容易忽略。尤其是天天坐在电脑前面的上班族,每天的运动量很少,很多人被肥胖以及肥胖引起的疾病所困扰。为了让大家都能多多参与运动,并且便于对运动进行跟踪与监测,Fitness Band应运而生。 Fitness Band是一款蓝牙健康追踪器,既拥有科学健康管理功...
在现今忙碌生活中城市人对自己的健康管理往往容易忽略。尤其是天天坐在电脑前面的上班族,每天的运动量很少,很多人被肥胖以及肥胖引起的疾病所困扰。为了让大家都能多多参与运动,并且便于对运动进行跟踪与监测,Fitness Band应运而生。 Fitness Band是一款蓝牙健康追踪器,既拥有科学健康管理功...
Welcome to the Best Fitness App. We are dedicated to providing our members with the finest level of service in the fitness community. We put an emphas...
手环+应用程序+您 =Fitness Band系统。Fitness Band系统是一个全方位关注健康生活方式的系统,手环在后台跟踪您的运动和睡眠情况,而应用则显示您的数据,您还可以添加饮食和心情等方面的信息, 深入了解自己,使自己的生活质量更上一层楼。系统主要有以下几个功能模块: 运动: 主要用来记...
We change lives! BodySpace is a revolutionary social fitness platform. It’s the best personal trainer combined with the world’s largest online fitness...
Welcome to the 10Fitness Gym app! This app contains all our locations... and yes, we are only $10 a month and no contract! If you are looking for a si...
Fitness Application - это мобильный спортивный ежедневник, который позволит вести весовой и количественный учет ваших тренировок. С фитнес-трекером Fi...
Spree Wearables, Inc. presents Spree, the world's most complete fitness product. The Spree product is made up of this smart phone application, a S...
Antes de comenzar con las rutinas de entrenamiento, debes saber lo siguiente: lo mas importante para lograr tus objetivos ( ya sean adelgazar, aumenta...
Welkom bij de app van Best FitMotivatie is niet alleen zeggen dat je iets wilt gaan doen, motivatie is iedere keer weer actie ondernemen en bezig zijn...
As featured by Hoda on the Today Show, RockMyRun provides amazing, DJ engineered mixes designed specifically for running and working out can automatic...