best choice貓飼料好嗎

Voice Choice

This is Voice Choice version 1. We hope you'll check out our "Voice Choice 2.0" with extra features (auto-filter by Gmail group or number patterns...


This is a simple app that allows you to take photos automatically at a set interval of time. You can set the interval from 3 seconds to 60 seconds. Ju...


该系统适合学习日常英语。真人发音,发音纯正,音质清晰:功能描述: ●支持后台播放 (iOS4.0以上) ●可以从任意位置开始播放 ●可以反复听某一句 ●锁屏后可以继续播放 ●播放时同步显示相应译文,文字自动滚动 ●可以快速定位播放位置,方便使用 ●支持简体中文和繁体中文 ●可以切换12种界面风格,界...