bbc learning english 6


You can test english after enter word or sentence.British or American accent can hear the phrase you entered.Does not provide a word. But, you can get...

English Tenses

English Grammar, tense is a category that locates a situation in time, to indicate when the situation takes place.Free App English Tense Tutorial. Exc...

QA English

This is a Q&A Quiz App which lets you learn how to pronounce words. This app is very helpful for person who wants to learn English language or want to...

BBC News

这是由BBC发布的新闻客户端。用户可以阅读BBC最新、最热的全球资讯。内容支持英文。不仅图文并茂,而且能听live radio。 Get the latest, breaking news from the BBC and our global network of journalists.免費玩B...