全面战争 Total War Battles
全面战争Total War Battles改编自世嘉的经典的即时战略游戏系列SHOGUN幕府将军,游戏背景是 16 世纪的日本战国时代,群雄争霸,玩家的目标是成长为统一全日本的将军,重温织田信长、德川家康的霸业。玩家取胜即可获得进行建设必须的经验值,军队也可以获得升级,这些都对未来的战斗有着决定性作...
全面战争Total War Battles改编自世嘉的经典的即时战略游戏系列SHOGUN幕府将军,游戏背景是 16 世纪的日本战国时代,群雄争霸,玩家的目标是成长为统一全日本的将军,重温织田信长、德川家康的霸业。玩家取胜即可获得进行建设必须的经验值,军队也可以获得升级,这些都对未来的战斗有着决定性作...
BUILD, BATTLE AND AVENGE!Specifically developed for touchscreen platforms, Total War Battles™: SHOGUN is a new real-time strategy game from the makers...
英雄城堡 Heroes and Castles是一款动作类游戏,游戏采用第三人称视角,为了守卫你们的国家,你必须扛起整个的守卫大业!召唤你的军队来和敌人决一死战吧!游戏共有3种可选英雄,小矮人,弓箭手,火枪手和法师,应有尽有!数据包地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jGJsjz...
The Undead Horde and their Orc and Goblin allies are at your castle gates, the King is on the brink of death, and only you stand between the enemy and...
PLAY AS MICKEY IN THIS MAGICAL DISNEY ADVENTURE! ALL-NEW HD GRAPHICS AND GAMEPLAY! Mickey Mouse returns to star in Castle of Illusion, a fantastical r...
Mickey Mouse returns to star in Castle of Illusion, and with this app providing you with links to all of the ***Bonus**** information included you wil...
Protoversion Select any of the four elemental tribes (Zambu, Niwik, Gazac or Ungoy) and battle through the lands of Ooni to destroy the Nightmare crea...
Battle your friends in a series of HEAD TO HEAD mini-games, inspired by the fun simplicity and quirkiness of classic 8-bit video games.Using two butto...
Get ready to battle!Empire Clash is a turn based strategy game that involves risk and planning."A clever blend of strategy elements inspired from risk...
Get ready to battle! Empire Clash is a turn based strategy game that involves risk and planning. "A clever blend of strategy elements inspired from ri...