NeoReader QR Barcode Scanner
市场上最简单、快捷和性能最强的 QR 读取器——免费!NeoReader 目前扫描的一维码和二维码范围最广。特性- 扫描所有标准的一维码和二维码类型——QR、Data Matrix、Aztec、EAN、UPC、Code 39、Code 128、PDF 417 和其他类型!- 自动检测代码类型- 全方...
市场上最简单、快捷和性能最强的 QR 读取器——免费!NeoReader 目前扫描的一维码和二维码范围最广。特性- 扫描所有标准的一维码和二维码类型——QR、Data Matrix、Aztec、EAN、UPC、Code 39、Code 128、PDF 417 和其他类型!- 自动检测代码类型- 全方...
Wirelessly scan barcodes to your computer from your Android phone over your WiFi network.The barcode is sent to the active application on your compute...
qr code quick scannerYou can quick scan bar code and QR code, Data Matrix.You can get your friend's Contacts scanning qrcode.This is quick, fast!!...
The PDF Scanner app scan the PDF file and scan the text from it. User can change the text scanned from PDF file and save it as a text file or send it ...
Use your smartphone as powerful QR code scanner! This QR code scanner is very fast and easy to use. You can decode text, URLs, e-mails and contacts wi...
One of the most simple and free QR Code Scanner app for your Android phone.QR Reader is able to scan and decode any barecode : QR Code, Data Matrix, U...
Claudette Fagon"Finally, found a scanner that works and it is fast. Been through about 15 apps already and none of them worked. good job."Shoshi Meiir...
Turn your phone into a wireless barcode scanner!Literally any OS is supported: Windows, Mac and Linux.Scanned barcodes will be sent to your computer u...
Point the camera at the barcode of a product (even if blurry) and instantly compare the prices at thousands of online and local retailers. Product inf...
Buycott Barcode Scanner helps you vote with your wallet so you fund causes you care about and avoid funding those you disagree with.Featured as ABC Ne...