Currency Exchange Rates PRO
PRO version provides 3 new widgets and is ad free.Check current exchange rates with Currency Exchange Rates Live. Place currency exchange info on home...
PRO version provides 3 new widgets and is ad free.Check current exchange rates with Currency Exchange Rates Live. Place currency exchange info on home...
The application provides the latest exchange rates from one of the best currency exchange in Warsaw! Great for when you travel to Poland and need to g...
中国工商银行即时外汇牌价[4.0] 这款小工具可以让您实时查询中国工商银行即时外汇牌价,包括下列主要货币:英镑,港币,美元,瑞士法郎,新加坡元,瑞典克朗,丹麦克朗,挪威克朗,日元,加拿大元,澳大利亚元,欧元,澳门元,马来西亚林吉特,新西兰元,韩国元,卢布。 [4.0]更新: 支持 Android 4...
Free currency exchange converter.Support for offline mode. You can use last download data.Permission: INTERNET,ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE,WRITE_EXTERNAL_STO...
Free, easy to use currency converter with live exchange rates, charting and daily market news. Convenient feature: Customise exchange rates table with...
The Unofficial Currency Fair Currency Exchange App.Currency Fair allows you to easily exchange money, above the current market rate, free of charge(*)...
Currency Exchange is a program which can show the exchange rates in the world and convert money between all worldwide currencies using up to date exch...
货币365是一款以实体门店货币预约和基于地理位置的移动APP软件,以外币兑换为核心的一站式货币兑换工具。 全球化多门店预约兑换服务 主流银行汇率实时查询 寻找您附近的外币交易 多币种之间的汇率换算 在货币365,您可以线上预订各实体门店的外币兑换服务,查询国内主流银行实时外币汇率,也可以与您附近的用...
Update 2013/12/25 - Usage video added to Google Market listingNepali Currency Exchange Rates (Formerly called Nepali Forex Free) brings into the andro...
Currency Exchange is a program which can show the exchange rates in the world and convert money between all worldwide currencies using up to date exch...