1.将拨号声音变为可爱的个性按键音乐,改变原有枯燥的单一音符; 2.多种个性主题任意换,告别乏味的键盘页面,让拨号不再枯燥; 3.在地铁中如何吸引中意异性的目光,快用banana,一起萌萌哒! 【更新内容】 1.将拨号声音变为可爱的个性按键音乐,改变原有枯燥的单一音符; 2.多种个性主题任意换,告别...
1.将拨号声音变为可爱的个性按键音乐,改变原有枯燥的单一音符; 2.多种个性主题任意换,告别乏味的键盘页面,让拨号不再枯燥; 3.在地铁中如何吸引中意异性的目光,快用banana,一起萌萌哒! 【更新内容】 1.将拨号声音变为可爱的个性按键音乐,改变原有枯燥的单一音符; 2.多种个性主题任意换,告别...
1.本品不能取代拨号,打电话紧急时候还是得用系统自带的,我们不是拨号软件,我们做的只是让您在玩腻了系统那个丑不拉几的拨号页面之后感受一下什嘛叫好玩!!! 2.有想过看见漂亮妹子在面前该怎么搭讪么?是上去拍肩要电话被抽几个大嘴巴?还是凑上去摸手求微信被来一个过肩摔?你只要在妹子面前掏出手机打开Bana...
Arrrg Girls! Your pretty pirate ship is covered in sea weed and dirt.Take your boat to the car wash so you can once again have the most pretty pirate ...
The Most Widely Used Boating App! This is the version for your phone. With this app you get the same award-winning detailed charts as GPS plotters bec...
Get The Most Widely Used Boating App in its FREE version! This version is for your tablet. Tracks, Routes, Distance, Markers, Wind Forecasts, Sync my ...
The Most Widely Used Boating App! This is the version for your phone. With this app you get the same award-winning detailed charts as GPS plotters bec...
The Most Widely Used Boating App! This is the version for your phone. With this app you get the same award-winning detailed charts as GPS plotters bec...
The first ever model boating app! (and it's pretty decent too!)Features:- Model Shop *new!*- Forum (Over 15 hundred members and growing)- Photo & ...
¡Carrera de barcos! Conduce a toda velocidad todo tipo de barcas... Todas las marcas están disponibes. Debes competir para ser el primero en la carrer...
No jogo o seu barco está preso no engarrafamento de um porto todo bagunçado. O objetivo é fazer com que sua lancha consiga atravessar o engarrafamento...