

《星级名厨 Star Chef》是一款休闲游戏。你需要去负责一家连锁餐饮店,必须取学会如何按照顾客的需求去制作食物,按步骤选择食材,并把你的汉堡、寿司和小吃卖给那些疯狂的顾客。记住,必须在你的顾客们失去他们的耐性之前,把所有他们需要的放在他们的面前! 【游戏特色】 - 引人入胜的关卡能提供数小时的乐...

Nibbles Free

★ Now part of "Game Pack" ★ Buy this and many more games as one package ★ Search for ☛ Game Pack★ Remake of classic Nibbles (Snake) Game. The objectiv...

Sky Above

Sky Above is a star gazing app that allows you to view where in the sky stars, constellations, planets and satellites are above you in the sky.Now upd...