awesome games

Encircle game

Help players to challenge the computer, cause the mind to relax after working hours,The game has 3 levels.Level 1: The player should be comfortable wi...

Pool Game

Billiards game gathers the best puzzle games you'll find among all free games! A sports game with a fun and simple goal: to put the pieces of this...

Game ScorePad

ScorePad keeps track of game scores without the need for easily lost game pieces or pen and paper. ScorePad also allows the user to keep track of mult...

Viva Game

Viva! Game è un serious game che ti propone un modo per salvare una vita.Incontrerai situazioni simpatiche curiosando per i livelli e facendo buffe co...


風靡全球的遊戲 2048朝代版!遊戲玩法:上下左右四個方向滑動屏幕移動圖塊,當兩個相同的圖塊遇見時,它們將合二為一!久遠的朝代將合併為近期的朝代,看看你能不能到達ROC時代呢? (歷史早忘了?qstar給你提示哈:夏、商、週、秦、漢、三國、晉、南北朝、隋、唐、五代十國、宋、元、明、清、中華民國)一言...




The 2048 is a fun addictive and a very simple puzzle game. Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile!HOW TO PLAY:Up, Down, Left, Right to move the til...