avril lavigne - when you're gone


艾薇儿 app是中国电信爱音乐快速发布平台的明星应用产品,爱音乐旗下还有哎姆DJ、哎姆乐拍、哎姆明星脸等系列客户端。艾薇儿加拿大流行摇滚歌手、歌曲创作者及演员。并以歌曲〈滑板男孩〉出名。她的两张专辑,《展翅高飞》与《酷到骨子里》在数个国家的音乐排行榜上达到最前列。是难得一见的集演唱、创作、表演于一身...


Which is the best month to buy a pair of jeans? The best time of day to have your picture taken? The best day of the week to fly?WHEN gives the answer...


This is a simple application which allows you to record the date and time of events or of moments of interest, such as: “When did I start working on t...

Whats Missing

Beat the clock to find the differences between two images. Play your Facebook friends in a virtual real time game. Where you can see the other players...