End Procrastination
Introducing End Procrastination Hypnosis - get to work, stop procrastinating and become more productive! Procrastination is the enemy of productivity ...
Introducing End Procrastination Hypnosis - get to work, stop procrastinating and become more productive! Procrastination is the enemy of productivity ...
Autodesk ForceEffect提供直观的操作环境,设计师只需点击设计物件即可对其进行选择、移动、旋转和缩放,同时还可使用自由体受力图绘制、设定和模拟概念设计。 此外,这款应用的即时计算功能可对设计性能表现提供即时的回馈,因此使用者在工程设计中无论是在工地、办公室或教室,都能直接掌握问题症结...
Autodesk® FormIt helps you capture building design concepts anytime and anywhere ideas strike. Use real-world site information to help create forms in...
Autodesk ForceEffect可为设计师提供直观的操作环境,现在设计师只需点击设计对象即可对其进行选择、移动、旋转和缩放,同时还可对自由体受力图在概念设 计阶段的进行绘图、限定和仿真。除此之外,该软件实时计算功能可以就一项设计的性能表现提供即时反馈给用户,使用户在工程设计中能够无论是在工地...
Bring engineering to the point of the problem with Autodesk® ForceEffect™, a mobile engineering app for simulating design concepts in the field or in ...
L'app Inventario permette di registrare oggetti generici assegnandogli codice, nome, data, prezzo, valuta, quantità, etichetta e note, memorizzarl...
Controla tu INVENTARIO.Genera tu propio inventario rápido y fácilmente. Ingresa artículos nuevos o añade a ya existentes, extrae artículos por cantida...
Gérez l'inventaire de vos objets personnels (livres,CDs...) à travers différentes collections: scannez des code-barres, enregistrez oralement le n...
The ability to modify and create geometry with accuracy, the addition of precise dimensions as well as text and viewing the geometry on different scal...
实用教程 AutoCAD 2014本书由浅入深、循序渐进地介绍了Autodesk 公司最新推出的专业绘图软件——AutoCAD 2014 的基本操作方法和使用技巧。全书共分15 章,分别介绍AutoCAD 2014 的入门基础知识和绘图的基本常识,创建与管理图层,绘制二维图形,精确绘制图形,编辑图形...