Headset Droid
Headset Droid allows you to customise what the buttons on your headphones do and gives you many other headset related functionalities while running in...
Headset Droid allows you to customise what the buttons on your headphones do and gives you many other headset related functionalities while running in...
From the device, you must make sure that the headset is properly seated. In situations where the device is not equipped to recognize the headset may b...
Easy access to your music apps!This app creates a menu in your notification area when you connect earphones or a Bluetooth headset to your device. * C...
Philips created this simple and nifty app to be your ultimate Philips headset companion. The Philips Headset app allows you to customize the in-line c...
/!\ beta release /!\ Tired of changing the volume settings when you connect a headset? Well this app is for you :) Set the volumes you want for your h...
这是一款能让Android手机用户通过蓝牙连接操作蓝牙电话的软件,软件功能包括: 1.蓝牙连接:实现手机跟蓝牙电话之间的蓝牙连接,实现断线自动重连功能; 2.通话:软件的主要功能,拨打电话以及接听电话; 3.通讯录管理:管理手机联系人以及通话记录; 4.短信管理:收发短信。 一款蓝牙手机,让你从此远...
This widget allows you to quickly flip through your favorite stock charts right on your homescreen.★★★ Mainly for US stocks + international ADR ★★★1.)...
“蝴蝶園”的應用程序僅僅是一個貼紙書(旋轉,重新定位,調整大小)。 它是為孩子們播放與教育應用程序。 用戶可以通過選擇工具欄添加貼紙。 (孩子們可以選擇21蝴蝶貼紙。) 用戶可以重新定位和旋轉和調整大小與用戶的拖放的貼紙。 用戶可以更改模式(即可以旋轉,調整大小,重新定位)與圖像長Tab鍵切換標籤。...