ascii to hex


hex is a casual classic puzzle game for the non-committed. play while standing on line or sitting on a bus. play for 2 minutes or play for 5.hex has 5...


Hex is a simple game where two players race to connect their sides of the board. The winner is the first to build a solid path connecting their two si...


Diario AS te ofrece todo su contenido y los videogoles en una aplicación exclusiva para Android. Accede de forma rápida y sencilla a la mejor informac...


With this app you can see all the characters which corresponds to ASCII-Values.A simple ASCII Chart for developers or anyone who needs to lookup ASCII...

Hex Sudoku

The same game rules as normal Sudoku but you use numbers 0-15 represented as 0-F instead of 1-9.Supports various input methods with useful automated h...


HEX is a sleek, fast-paced puzzle game that is easy to pick up and play at any moment.Create groups of same-colored hexagons to remove them from the b...