arduino uno driver


UNO - "Șeptică Americană" is an American card game which can be played from a young age. Is a board game, easy to play with very simple rules, develop...

Arduino LCD

The Arduino LCD app will allow you to create custom LCD characters for your Arduino projects. Are you tired of the boring common characters and want y...

UNO ™ Friends

***** UNO & Friends:樂趣無界限!全世界最受歡迎的紙牌遊戲 UNO 為你帶來全新免費的社交體驗!與親朋好友及全世界數百萬的粉絲一起玩 UNO,從來不曾如此簡單!加入世界最大的免費線上手機遊戲社群之一,盡情享受全新的免費多人遊戲體驗及樂趣、競爭激烈的排行榜及有趣的自訂選項,讓你在全新...


Roboman發送/接收信號到/從一個ARDUINO mu.c到其中的人形機器人連接。 特點: +頭部左/右 +眼睛(攝像頭)個別/共同左/右 +口開/常閉 傳感器: +超聲波測距儀(在嘴上) +立體聲麥克風左/右(在耳朵上) +溫度傳感器內部/外部(在鼻子上)免費玩RoboMan ARDUINO ...