Arduino Examples
A lot of Arduino examples with code,diagrams and images for arduino beginners and programmers. Take a look at it and master it.Contains Examples from ...
A lot of Arduino examples with code,diagrams and images for arduino beginners and programmers. Take a look at it and master it.Contains Examples from ...
Ours is the smallest size application with all contents compared to other apps in the Google Play Store.Just try it out and see..Please leave your fee...
Ours is the smallest size application with all contents compared to other apps in the Google Play Store.Just try it out and see..Please leave your fee...
The Arduino LCD app will allow you to create custom LCD characters for your Arduino projects. Are you tired of the boring common characters and want y...
> Integrate easily your Arduino projects with mobile devices based on Google Android such as smartphones and tablets> Build from simple projects (as t...
Este aplicativo vem com três modalidades de envio de código para placa Arduíno ou similar. 1ª = Bluetooth – envia no 1,1 = botão luz (para ligar, ele ...
Power On /Off a led From #Android over wifi with Ardiuno and NodejsAndroid App => (wifi)=> Node Js server => (serial) => Arduino => (electrical) => le...
***** UNO & Friends:樂趣無界限!全世界最受歡迎的紙牌遊戲 UNO 為你帶來全新免費的社交體驗!與親朋好友及全世界數百萬的粉絲一起玩 UNO,從來不曾如此簡單!加入世界最大的免費線上手機遊戲社群之一,盡情享受全新的免費多人遊戲體驗及樂趣、競爭激烈的排行榜及有趣的自訂選項,讓你在全新...
This application enables to control the digital I/O ports of the Arduino UNO microcontroller board through the USB interface of your Android device. A...
Very simple Android application for communicating with Arduino Uno (with Atmega16U2 or Atmega8U2 programmed as a USB-to-serial converter).No need for ...