apt get install unable to locate package

Find N Locate

Find N Locate is your perfect tool that helps you trace the path of the places you visited recently. With this app installed on your device, you can w...


探索或创造属于你自己的国际街头时尚潮流。 用你的Android展示出你最酷的装扮 免费的Fastion freax街头时尚应用程序,让你更加简单的拍摄和分享你在街头捕捉到的时尚装扮。如果你想要得到新搭配反馈意见,或者甚至是对于你在商场试衣间里试的新衣服的反馈意见,那它也是一个绝佳的应用程序。 创造属...

Foot acupressure

Living Foot accupressor The effect of foot massage is same as elixir of life. The foot is the foundation of health. 1. What is foot accupressor ? - Wh...


平時需要量尺時找不到嗎?My Ruler讓你將手機化為測量尺唷My Ruler提供公厘、公分、英吋三種單位換算你可以將物品放置螢幕上用雙指測量,例如硬幣或是當測量物超出螢幕時繼續使用疊加計算My Ruler 功能與特色:★ 長度疊加★ 雙指測量★ 重置歸零現在就開始測量吧!Keywords: Rul...