apple wireless earphones with remote and mic

Wireless Mic

☆ Check out my other free app “Sonic Messenger”. A messaging app that uses ultrasonic sound to communicate.This is a companion app for ActivePinger, I...


This very simple app just sends audio from the mic to the speaker, plug it into your computer or whatever using a 3.5mm male to male headphone jack an...


Microphone, useful pocket tool, This microphone app simply sends your voice out of the phone! If you have a male-to-male 3.5mm headphone jack you can ...

PTT 好讀版 - 輕鬆逛免登入

PTT 好讀版是一個快速,個人化,而且專為 iOS 7 & 8 設計的 PTT 閱讀軟體。用手機逛 PTT 從來沒有這麼簡單過,讓你重新愛上批踢踢!好讀好用六大特點◆ 流暢舒適的文章閱讀體驗◆ 不用登入也能馬上逛逛,沒上過批踢踢嗎?用好讀版一開就上手◆ 好讀頭條,一手掌握今天的熱門議題◆ 稍後再讀功...