AppleTV AirPlay Media Player
Please start with updating your AppleTV to the latest iOS version and please make sure AirPlay is set to ON in the menu of your AppleTV!Secondly, plea...
Please start with updating your AppleTV to the latest iOS version and please make sure AirPlay is set to ON in the menu of your AppleTV!Secondly, plea...
The Apple TV Droid is only for Jailbroken Apple TV from 2G up, and with the app called AirControl for Apple TV.**** Read here before start using !"If ...
应用简介:是一款具有iPhone界面风格的快速设置应用程序,让您可以在一个滚动的屏幕快速访问并配置一些常用的功能.主要功能:- 快速打开/关闭 蜂窝数据,WiFi,蓝牙- 快速打开位置(GPS)服务- 打开/关闭自动调整亮度- 调整亮度- 打开/关闭飞行模式- 快速打开应用程序,壁纸设置,系统设置免...
The Phonics Word Family provides the word phonics spelling, beginning sound, word family phonics, short vowel sound, and images with a lot of animatio...
Seamlessly capturing contacts information from business cards in 21 languages, ABBYY Business Card Reader (BCR) is a powerful multi-function contact d...
WIZ小子是學齡前孩子的學習益智遊戲包2 - 6歲的孩子免費。應用程序包含了所有類型的孩子們互動遊戲。★英語學習難題★✔字母學習: - 教導孩子們關於字母的圖像互動式音效年齡 - 2 - 4]✔匹配的信: - 孩子們可以識別大字母,小寫字母相匹配的。其互動遊戲,孩子們4個隨機大寫字母和小寫字母匹...
What if you’re told you can improve your vocabulary merely by playing a game? A game that’ll give you the opportunity to find all possible small words...
脑年龄大测试,脑训练用iPhone版本 快来锻炼,测试一下您的脑年龄吧1.瞬间记忆 从小到大依次点击,考察一下您的短期记忆力 2.数学符号 选择正确的数字符合使数字关系正确,别小看了这些简单的数学符号3.颜色识别 测试前看看Help会大有帮助,点击对应的文字颜色 4.图形识别 能分别出他们的不同么,...
動態太陽草的土地生活的牆紙,美麗的陽光與自然和船舶在你的屏幕上,然後拖放效果有七個不同的陽光。你可以看到美麗的陽光,當你觸摸或拖動,採用幾種不同的效果時長拖。飛種子,聲音,觸摸,陽光可以設置開啟或關閉。也可以裝入你的手機的浪漫的照片。現在拖著光粒子原三星Galaxy S4鎖屏效果是類似的選項!使用方...