apple push notification service 費用

苹果式通知 iPhone Notifications 汉化版

苹果式通知汉化版 iPhone Notifications是一款Android平台iPhone通知显示方式,让你的Android手机也能体验ios5的时尚通知方式。除此以外,它还可以自定义选择哪些程序显示通知,以及哪种通知样式。还包括许多自定义个性化选项。绝对是款超值的软件哦! 友情提示:本作品为汉...

ICS Notify

First of all, you should realise this app is very much in the early stages of development, and as such, bugs may be present (It has been tested).Becau...

Easy Notifier

Easy Notifier is an unique and ultimate solution for customization of incoming SMS & MMS text messages and e-mail (Gmail) notifications with a possibi...