apple patent


Create your own crochet or knitting patterns anywhere, anytime with this application.Add yarns to your projects or write patterns easily.Please, if yo...


Ein Patent ist ein hoheitlich erteiltes gewerbliches Schutzrecht für eine Erfindung. Der Inhaber des Patents ist berechtigt, anderen die Nutzung der E...

Patente 2014

Patente 2014 è un'applicazione per esercitarsi con i quiz della patente in vigore da dicembre 2013 e mettere così alla prova la propria preparazio...

Samsung PAT

Samsung PAT is a premium Audio Visual product available on participating LED TV’s and Plasma TV’s. Register your device and receive the following inno...

App Store

Download our App Store for instant access to the full catalogue of T-Mobile games, apps, videos, ringtones and wallpapers for your phone. Play awesome...