VAKI Macro Micro
App that help you monitor Macro & Micro Counters. You can download and view reports in pdf format, set the weight, turn on/off and monitor most of the...
App that help you monitor Macro & Micro Counters. You can download and view reports in pdf format, set the weight, turn on/off and monitor most of the...
Macroeconomics is an analysis of a country's economic structure and performance and the government's policies in affecting its economic condit...
Calculates different camera parameters at different combinations of lenses, close up lenses and extension tubes as: Equivalent focal length Magnificat...
This enhanced android software IME softkeyboard lets you - Define textual shortcut that will be replaced by any text you want. Useful if you often wri...
Macro Photography Pictures. The Application provides a large collection of Macro Photography Pictures in Original Quality.Macro Photography Pictures F...
Macro Remote is a diverse Android app that can be used to wirelessly control programs for a variety of different tasks. The uses of Macro Remote are e...
有了這個記錄,你可以在高品質錄製語音筆記。它的設計主要是為了方便使用,比它可以在睡眠模式下工作時,顯示屏關閉等。 主要特點: *語音錄製,在後台運行(即使顯示屏關閉); *高品質錄音; *降噪; *暫停功能,錄音/回放; *易於管理他們的帳戶。查看記錄文件; *輕鬆播放和刪除。 Disclaime...
Take control over trains while enjoying the beauty of nature. Take quick decisions and develop strategy as you guide trains to their destination while...
俗語有云「死生有命,富貴由天」,很多人都相信命運由天定,但另外一方面,也有很多人並不認命,認為「人定勝天」。相信命運的人,很多 時會提出,自己一生經歷之中,有許多自己也沒法解釋的際遇,運勢有高有低,人生起伏無定。而這些遭遇,很多時並非自己可以控制,冥冥中似乎另有主宰,很多 時會有身不由己的感覺,命中...
SuperGBA是一個超級快速,全功能仿真器運行GameBoy Advance的遊戲最廣泛的Android設備,從超低端手機,以現代的平板電腦。它模擬幾乎所有方面的實際硬件的正確。 - 一個GameBoy Advance的模擬器。 - 非常容易使用的虛擬手柄。 - 保存和加載狀態。 - 自動保存遊戲...