apk安裝失敗 install_failed_container_error

安裝助手 Install APK

全功能的應用安裝助手,兼有體積小,操作簡便和高性能的特性。輕鬆搜索和安裝您SD卡中的APK文件。功能:* 安裝或刪除SD卡中的APK文件* 自動搜索所有存儲於SD卡中的APK文件,通過內置的緩存算法提高掃描性能,避免重複掃描* 支持批量應用的安裝或刪除* 顯示全面的應用信息,包含名稱,版本,路徑,大...

Apk Installer

Apk Installer is a quick way to find and install apk files from your SDCARDFeature:• Sort apk files by date• Scan apk files from External Storage and ...


AndExplorer is a file manager/explorer. It allows browsing files/folders stored on device and sdcard. It can sort by name, size and date. Copy/Paste, ...

the apk

We have built a mobile app focused towards our guests and to provide one stop shop for everything about The Apk. For our biggest fans, we built in som...