Children are able to explore many ways to measure a bug including length, width and weight all in a natural context with built in scaffolding. Includ...
Children are able to explore many ways to measure a bug including length, width and weight all in a natural context with built in scaffolding. Includ...
Measure any object, or distance, with your camera and note it!Just take a picture of the object that you want to measure and place measures directly i...
GLM measure&document app可支援Bosch GLM 100 C Professional。搭配GLM 100 C Professional,您可以直接將測量結果轉換成圖片,或是將測量結果儲存至App的測量清單中。想要將工作分類,您可以建立各種專案,並且命名、加入圖片和註解。所有...
Brought to you by the Publishers of Instrumentation Magazine... The Measurement and Sensors Directory is the specialized annual directory for Instrume...
Now you can score all of your own harvested animals, with Wildgame Measure by Utopia Programming. Simply enter the measurements as the app guides you ...
Unit Measurement is quite a simple, efficient and quick unit conversion tool. Everyone deals with unit conversion daily. Simply install the Unit Measu...
Anthropomotron gathers and simplifies calculations used by anthropologists to estimate the height and body mass of an individual based on a few key me... Medical Division presentsANTHROPOMETRYAnthropometry is an application that allows you to calculate the anthropometric data according t...
Smart Measure在Smart Tools集合中的第二個套件中。(距離,高度) 這測距儀(遙測)用你的手機以三角學測量目標的距離,高度,寬度和面積。 用法很簡單:站起來,然後按下快門。最重要的一點是將相機對準地面,而不是目標。(要測量某人跟你的距離,就要瞄準他的鞋子。) 如果結果不準確的,請...
Measure H20 is the app that was created from the United States Bureau of Reclamation's water measurement manual. The features included in this app...