anja rubik

Rubik Rings

This puzzle consists of two intersecting rings made up of a number of coloured balls. The rings of balls intersect at two places, so they share two of...


Konstanz, the city of Lake ConstanceLake Constance – Lac de Constance – Lago di Costanza – the lake is named according to the city of Konstanz.The cit...


Sablón, Organiza tu Espacio. En donde podrás encontrar: información a cerca de nuestros productos, catálogos, noticias relevantes, tips, consejos, con...

Rubi Matrix

魯維矩陣龍 rubix立方體是一個非常具有挑戰性的原始的益智遊戲!一種新的益智遊戲,放鬆!要創建它,我們把二維矩陣魔方理念,並結合它與滑動拼圖功能。要更多的大腦和邏輯的挑戰,我們用簡單的數字作為尺寸是5X7矩陣。為了解決矩陣追求的球員應該安排滑動的行或列,按列的顏色。遊戲有兩種模式 - 硬而容易,當...