This is the ad free & plus version.Please try AndTidWiki before buy AndTidWiki+.AndTidWiki+ is an app to use a Wiki - TiddlyWiki - in a single HTML fi...
This is the ad free & plus version.Please try AndTidWiki before buy AndTidWiki+.AndTidWiki+ is an app to use a Wiki - TiddlyWiki - in a single HTML fi...
Read and share the latest news headlines from the leading News sites. Receive alerts on the latest News. Customize alerts based on different topics. A...
'DroidIconClock' is simple clock widget.This widget like Andoroid icon.Picture will change every few minutes.A total of 48 patterns* even time...
Droidlabs, l'app non-officielle pour le site de bon plan Dealabs !Cette application est encore à l’état de beta, de nombreuse fonctionnalités sont...
AndroidInside gives you the best news and informations around Android. Our experts will help you to find all about hard - and software and apps as we...
Connect multiple devices and have them act as one big screen. Display animations or images and distribute them OTA to connected devices. Make sure al...
Cette application permet de visualiser, rechercher, filtrer les albums, séries et auteurs de votre collection de bandes dessinées. L'application u...
If you are a Yoigo carrier customer, MiAndroigo allows you to log into your MiYoigo account and check out your month billing information in a simple w...
Con questa nuova app potete cercare online, comodamente e facilmente, capi di abbigliamento, calzature, borse, scarpe e molto altro fra gli oltre 4 mi...
This is used for ROS. First, you can translate your voice into text using android speech-to-text service and publish these text as a ros message. Seon...