android upnp example

UPnP Tool

UPnP Tool - Search UPnP devices > List up devices > List up services > Invoke action !) Out parameter in invoke action dialog can be copied to clipboa...

UPnP Browser

A small and handy tool for browsing UPnP devices on the network. You can browse- Devices and their properties- Services and their properties- Actions ...


人们身体上面长的痣有着什么样的意义呢?下面小编从中医命理总结了各方面的信息,给您简单解析下男人痣相图,女人痣相图等信息.首先要确定是否真的是痣:痣的颜色较肤色暗沉,有深黑,浅黑,灰,褐,红等色,有的痣略凸出,有的平平的,若是肉色且凸出较大就可能是疣而不是痣. 相术中,痣相有很多讲究,除了部位还有隐露...

