Rainbow SMS Popup
When a text message (SMS) is received, this app will display a colorful text pop-up.This is a lightweight app and you can see the SMS pop-up during vi...
When a text message (SMS) is received, this app will display a colorful text pop-up.This is a lightweight app and you can see the SMS pop-up during vi...
Android Default SMS App and Popup SMS App for Kitkat (4.4).The SMS Popup( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.everythingandroid.smspopup...
完美支持大部分热门机型更换系统字体,三星部分机型免ROOT可直接一键换字体,所有字体均经过实机严格测试,请放心使用. 我们首创“乱码替换”技术,针对用户使用频率高的“字体文件”, 进行字符替换,让大家完全告别出现乱码“口口口”的无奈!简单的两步操作即可马上美化您的手机. 三星版本2.3+安装后免RO...
No more available for android 4.4.2. Google remove AppOpsSummary fragment from whitelist [1].This is a simple access to the new hidden "App Ops" featu...
網上預約測試!商鋪優惠!!緊貼社群最新動向!!!為了迎合大家需要,關懷愛滋男男性接觸者團隊的「POP APP」隆重登場! 大家除了可致電2394 6677到測試中心預約測試外,仲可透過「POP APP」直接預約。另外,POP APP仲提供城內最新同志動向及活動消息,除左Grindr, Jack...
Android 4.4 KitKat has no more the possibility to launch the built-in application permissions manager.This application simply allows you access the hi...
** THIS APP IS** NOT MAINTAINED** AND NOT SUPPORTEDWhen a text message (SMS) arrives, this app will display a popup on the bottom edge of the screen.T...
Popup SMS provides a popup dialog when a message is received that allows you to quickly read and reply to messages. It also provides in-depth customiz...
A Galaxy S theme for Popup Notifier.This is a theme for Popup Notifier, you need to install Popup Notifier for it to work.Configuration :* To select t...
一旦你開始玩,就不會再放手! Pop Star是一個很鍛煉腦力的遊戲。 點擊兩個或更多相同的星星可以消除它們。 _______________________________________ 玩法: - 點擊兩個或更多相同的星星 - 沒有時間限制,但是每一關有目標分數 _______________...