Open App Android
Open App Android is an app created to allow users and particularly other Android developers to browse the internal structure of your favourite apps an...
Open App Android is an app created to allow users and particularly other Android developers to browse the internal structure of your favourite apps an...
This application is not meant as a day-to-day RSS reader, just a visual aid for those attempting to create their own.It's an open-source demonstra...
This software aims to speed up the process of downloading files you share with Fast File Transfer; it's totally free, and will always be!Fast File...
URL Expandroid will expand shortened URL (ex.,, etc...).Supported services:-
A scheme interpreter for Android. Scheme is a minimalist, multi-paradigm dialect of Lisp. Implements all of R4RS Scheme except that continuations can ...
A scheme interpreter for Android. Scheme is a minimalist, multi-paradigm dialect of Lisp.Implements all of R4RS Scheme except that continuations can o...
Listroidは片手でも楽に式を入力できるScheme(R5RS)の実行環境を目指して開発しています。コンセプトは “つり革につかまっていても、空いている片手でSchemeプログラミング!” です。操作方法には次のような特徴があります。・括弧内に式を順に挿入する方式のため、閉じ括弧を意識する必要は...
This application which has been developed on the Android platform allows you to read the news from yahoo and is totally free from any advertisements. ...
■ User Reviews"This is the fastest browser I have ever used. “It's fast,loading speed is awesome”“Love this browser keep up the good work :-)""A m...
Mozilla Firefox 網頁瀏覽器將您在桌面瀏覽的最佳體驗也帶到行動裝置上了。它速度超快、簡單使用,可完全自訂。透過最新的安全性與隱私權保護功能可以保護您在線上的安全。 Firefox 網頁瀏覽器功能: 速度 更快地在網路上找到您想要的資訊。 同步 從任何裝置存取您瀏覽器的歷史紀錄、書籤、密...