android memory size

Memory usage

Do not know what occupies your SD card? This app is exactly what you need.Using this app you can analyse your disc usage and delete files or folders y...

App Usage Manager

App Usage Manager (原名 Batch Uninstaller) 提供您各個應用的使用時間,協助你管理應用的使用時間,快速批次卸載應用功能以及各種應用管理相關工具。 他提供底下主要功能: ★ 應用使用時間 : 自動追蹤量測有關各個應用的使用時間 ★ 應用安裝紀錄 : 紀錄所有應用的安...

App Usage Time

Do you ever wonder how much time you spend using an app? With "App Usage Time" you can keep track of how much you use your apps. The application is r...