煲出好音乐,随时随地煲耳机 手头的好耳机没时间煲吗?没关系,有了本应用,一切都不是问题,随时随地煲出好耳机!漂亮的UI用户接口,可爱的字体,一切都那么美好哦!注:煲机音频不建议聆听,或许会感到不适,建议晚上或者空闲休息时开启。不建议长时间煲,建议每次煲5-10小时,然后耳机休息一天,否则会对耳机造成...
煲出好音乐,随时随地煲耳机 手头的好耳机没时间煲吗?没关系,有了本应用,一切都不是问题,随时随地煲出好耳机!漂亮的UI用户接口,可爱的字体,一切都那么美好哦!注:煲机音频不建议聆听,或许会感到不适,建议晚上或者空闲休息时开启。不建议长时间煲,建议每次煲5-10小时,然后耳机休息一天,否则会对耳机造成...
Headphones actually require a time of adjustment called 'Burn-In'. During this time you will notice an increase in sound quality about your he...
如新車在正常使用前需經過一段「磨合」的時間,使其內部的機械裝置充分協調配合,提前進入最佳狀態,高品質的耳機亦是如此;然而,這往往需花費幾個星期甚至幾個月的時間。 為了節省您寶貴的時間並希望耳機快速進入理想的聆賞狀態, Moshi Audio用心呈現『Burn-In Tool 』程式,可幫助您加速耳機...
A live wallpaper for your android phone or tablet.This wallpaper shows flames burning over a lava landscape. This is not a video, it is rendered live ...
Does your Android screen have evidence of screen burn-in? Use this app to remove burn-in from your device's AMOLED or other display. A sequence of...
Generador aleatorio de apotegmas posiblemente polémicos. El contenido producido tiene intención exclusivamente satírica y no refleja las opiniones de ...
Raider is Open Source: http://code.google.com/p/raider-android-backup-tool/If you like this APP please consider the donate version of Raider to suppor...
飛向空中! 駕駛著世界上最快的戰鬥機體驗空中世界的刺激挑戰吧!After Burner Climax讓您領略身處世界速度最快的戰鬥機中,一邊不斷擊落出現在眼前的無數敵機,一邊騰挪翻轉躲避四面飛來的火箭和槍擊的超級緊張氣氛,是一款超高速,超狂熱的街機類動作遊戲.無論是初級玩家,還是飛行高手,都可以挑戰...
Introducing AfterRecorder, the only voice & audio recording app on Android that lets you retroactively record audio!! AfterRecorder is Android's a...
A small widget to keep on your Android Home Screen, a small clock-like which marks the time of the Planetary Hours.Planetary Hours Widget occupies jus...