E-Story是一個可以讓你自由編輯有聲故事書的APP, 不必再花錢下載或花時間找新的故事書. 只要利用手機內建的照像功能, 拍下實體故事書的內容(或從SD內挑選相片), 再搭配錄製的聲音或輸入文字, 就會變成一本精彩且生動有趣的有聲故事書. 若看膩了, 只需再重新編輯即可, 永遠都會有看不完的新故...
E-Story是一個可以讓你自由編輯有聲故事書的APP, 不必再花錢下載或花時間找新的故事書. 只要利用手機內建的照像功能, 拍下實體故事書的內容(或從SD內挑選相片), 再搭配錄製的聲音或輸入文字, 就會變成一本精彩且生動有趣的有聲故事書. 若看膩了, 只需再重新編輯即可, 永遠都會有看不完的新故...
Weight History(支持英语,中国语,日语,韩国语) Weight History是又简单又计划地管理体重的应用程序。 可以输入您的目标体重,而每天输入当天的体重,可以让您一眼看到目标达成率和现在您的减肥状态。 而且也可以在每月通过日历和图表看到体重的变化。 ,通过BMI计算可以让您知道您...
Hindu History is a perfect guidebook for those who are interested in Indian culture and eastern religions. This Indian history book contains a lot of ...
The Australian NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages Family History App is the cornerstone of building your New South Wales family tree. Find out...
Simple but effective app for cleaning browser history and call log cleaning on your phone/tablet with Material Design inspired interface. It helps you...
This application quickly accesses the calling history, and you can call selected history.This application requires some permissions,- READ_CONTACTS : ...
Aikido is one of the oldest form of martial arts. Founded by Morihei Ueshiba, aikido came about through the studies of many different kinds of traditi...
25 Chapters on American history in this book app...*Abraham Lincoln*America Conquers the Air*American Inventions*Benjamin Franklin*George Washington*J...
Watch hours of Vikings, Pawn Stars, Ancient Aliens, The Curse of Oak Island, and more. All of your favorite HISTORY shows are available wherever and w...
The United States of America has a rich history. It's beginnings trace back to eager European explorers looking for financial gain, while the mode...