amd fx tm 6100 six core processor

Super Eight

This is the story about a boy and his journey to return the old man’s magical potion bottles. The magic bottles have strange powers: with each bottle ...

Eight Queens

The eight queens puzzle is the problem of placing eight chess queens on an 8x8 chessboard such that none of them are able to capture any other using t...


你喜歡喝酒嗎?你喜歡打地鼠嗎?你知道你手速的極限嗎?開酒瓶是個體力活,也是個技術活,當然,對於派對達人的你這一點也不困難試試一口氣打開更多的酒吧! ! !你會有一種打地鼠的快感! ! !遊戲介紹:《彈瓶蓋》是一款類似於打地鼠的遊戲,玩家面對一箱箱裝滿酒瓶的箱子,要使出渾身解數,將所有的瓶蓋都打開,然...