语音助理是一款“能听会说”的手机小帮手。需要做什么就告诉她,她都能帮你完成,你的手机你说了算! 联系人多,打电话找号码让人抓狂? 简单,只要告诉语音助理:打电话给王小帅 甜蜜短信发到手抽筋?easy,只要告诉语音助理:发短信给黄小仙,王小帅很想你哦 刚装好的软件怎么找也找不到了? NoProblem...
语音助理是一款“能听会说”的手机小帮手。需要做什么就告诉她,她都能帮你完成,你的手机你说了算! 联系人多,打电话找号码让人抓狂? 简单,只要告诉语音助理:打电话给王小帅 甜蜜短信发到手抽筋?easy,只要告诉语音助理:发短信给黄小仙,王小帅很想你哦 刚装好的软件怎么找也找不到了? NoProblem...
"YY助理是一款智能化人机语音交互工具类应用,它操作简单实用性强。跟着我来享受吧。 联系人太多查找麻烦,您只需要对着YY说出您要call的人YY立刻call您想要联系的MM&GG。这就是语音拨号。 """"美女""""!啊这两个字怎么打,当您写信息遇到输入麻烦时不用急,YY替您解决,您只要对着YY说...
A new app just in time for MAKERFAIRE! Navigate androids and makebots around a maze and feed them apples to grow or shrink them. The maze uses 3D geom...
This is a great background for Android showing the Android robot eating an apple surrounded by apple cores.Choose from the following colors for the ba...
If you have played the legendary Atari Asteroids game, you may enjoy Astedroids.In Astedroids you are Droid, a small droid, and you have to destroy al...
This app is based on the animated short "Overbearing android vs Apples 2". Once installed,your background image will change every time you leave and t...
A. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE-------------------------------------------1. Launch IDEAL Currency Identifier2. Read the start-up banner3. Select, “Do Not Sho...
This is the official Android phone application of Perempuan.com. Get the latest updates on Lifestyle for women and family. Delivers most needed inform...
InfiCare provides a free ICD-10 & ICD-9 Code Reference App for your phone and tablet for quick reference of 2014 ICD-10-CM and ICD-9-CM codes.App is a...