Mit AFS DaCaMo verwandeln Sie Ihr Smartphone oder Tablet in ein vollwertiges MDE Gerät. Sie können mit Hilfe der Kamera Barcodes erfassen oder eine ma...
Mit AFS DaCaMo verwandeln Sie Ihr Smartphone oder Tablet in ein vollwertiges MDE Gerät. Sie können mit Hilfe der Kamera Barcodes erfassen oder eine ma...
"Waves Incoming!" is arcade action game which requires reflex. Your task is to destroy enemies' hordes by switching your shield to proper colour. ...
Sophisticated and trendsetting, Prada’s inspiring concept of uncompromised quality and constant innovation has endured from 1913, when Mario Prada, Mi...
Zvanična Android aplikacija dnevnih novina Pravda.Dnevne novine Prаvdа objаvljuju člаnke iz svetа politike, ekonomije, sportа, zаbаve, а posebаn znаčа...
Pravda pre Android, aktuálne spravodajstvo zo Slovenska, zahraničia, ekonomiky, kultúry a športu. 24 hodín denne aktualizované správy spravodajského p...
Boltholes is an app for use on a 3-Axis CNC Vertical Milling Machine.The app calculates the coordinates for "Bolt-Hole" patterns(holes equi-spaced on ...
This is a live wallpaper based on the incredibly popular rage comics (also known as fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu/f7u12 comics). There are a total of 20 faces i...
SignMyPad Pro is the new standard for paperless document transfer—a simple PDF signature tool for mobile devices that embeds the signer’s GPS location...
Hack the planet with Hacker Swiper Pro! With the full version of the app, you have access to:* The official Hacker Swiper game!* The official Hacker S...
AutoDiagnosis is an OBD2 performance and diagnostic tool for any device that runs the Android operating system. It allows to view and clear the troubl...