Advanced Trauma Life Support
Advanced Trauma Life Support allows you to test your decision-making skills in simulated trauma cases. Trauma Life Support Features: Primary Survey an...
Advanced Trauma Life Support allows you to test your decision-making skills in simulated trauma cases. Trauma Life Support Features: Primary Survey an...
Deze app bevat de eerste versie van de regionale traumaprotocollen in Regio West.De protocollen zijn gebaseerd op bestaande richtlijnen en waar mogeli...
This ACLS Study guide and Quiz app is designed to help EMS Students study. It has over 1,000 flashcards and over 700test questions. The flashcards hav...
Traumamanualen för Skånes Universitetssjukhus är den första svenska traumamanualen som läggs ut för tillgänglighet via mobil plattform. Den utgör det ...
Advanced Trauma Life Support allows you to test your decision-making skills in simulated trauma cases. Trauma Life Support Features: Primary Survey an...
De TraumaNet app geeft informatie aan artsen omtrent ziekenhuizen, protocollen, zakkaarten en medical trials. Tevens bevat de app een ISS calculator o...
O dinamismo de nossa atividade muitas vezes não permite que possamos acessar informações no momento adequado. Por isso, aventamos a possibilidade de s...
In search of peaceful sleep? You are at the right place.. People are fascinated with crackling fire sound, start the app and you are done! Fed up of d...
神龍之盒代數 5+ - 秘密教代數的遊戲。 五歲及以上幼童可以遊戲並學習! (有$您自己語言的版本)代數是用多彩物體表示的,逐漸被真正的數位和變數代替。代數規則是在有趣好玩的遊戲環境中逐步介紹的。小玩家通過試驗和邏輯思維來學習。在遊戲結束時,小玩家可以使用代數來解決實際的數學方程。神龍之盒遊戲是由經...