abc 7 chicago read aloud 定義

Strung Along

《提线木偶 Strung Along》是一款有趣而考验玩家节奏的耐玩小游戏。游戏关卡众多而耐玩,适合玩家消磨时间。在游戏中,玩家需要控制提线木偶的左右脚进行前进,屏幕红色按钮控制左脚,蓝色按钮控制右脚。你需要左右协调,在规定的步数内走到目的地。注意哦,脚步不宜太大,容易扯着那啥~~还有,小心脚下,说...

What Song

You think you know all the songs just listening a fragment? Prove it in What Song.187 songs of all styles and periods, you should find out the name of...


Sing! aspires to replace your regular printed songbook. An electronic application that was designed so that it can also be used in churches, during ma...