Wizard of the forest app


Forest is a horror adventure game like Slender with the different that the evil one is a white ghost with long black hair.On the first map, the player...


Forest is a horror adventure game like Slender with the different that the evil one is a white ghost with long black hair. On the first map, the playe...

绿野仙踪 Wizard of Oz: Hidden Diff

《绿野仙踪(Wizard of Oz: Hidden Diff)》是一款休闲游戏,玩法与大家来找茬基本一样,寻找两张图上的不同之处,游戏基于经典的L. Frank Baum故事,将带你穿越这个故事的整个情节。【游戏特点】- 音频故事和插图- 用一个有趣的方式让孩子们读书- 对于3-13岁的孩子启蒙有...