WifiBar - Wifi Status bar Icon
WifiBar is a simple tool which easily shows which WIFI network you are connected to. Don't get mixed up being connected to the wrong network. • Sh...
WifiBar is a simple tool which easily shows which WIFI network you are connected to. Don't get mixed up being connected to the wrong network. • Sh...
Requires Sony Ericsson LiveView and must be enabled in the Plugin preferences.Get Status Bar (Android 4.3) and K-9/Kaiten Mail notifications to your w...
WiFi Status Bar Switch toggles WiFi on/off.The switch is placed in the status bar for easy access from other applications. You can also use it as a wi...
Displays your current battery percentage in the status bar. can handle as low as 1% changes (but that depends on your phone). Can select your own batt...
Stop forgetting your special days.Stop making your background messy.With UpDay, you always can remember and keep clean.[ D-day app UpDay, reborn with ...
Shortcut App (Notification bar)You can registered favorite app launcher in notification bar. Click registered app in the notification bar, will run th...
The search box is placed in the status bar for easy access from other applications. You can also use it as a widget-like shortcut on your home screen....
【云南】,以其美丽、丰饶、神奇而著称于世,一向被外界称为“秘境”。 【云南省】位于中国西南边陲,省会昆明。战国时期,这里是滇族部落的生息之地。云南,即“彩云之南”,另一说法是因位于“云岭之南”而得名。总面积约39万平方千米,占全国面积4.11%,在全国各省级行政区中面积排名第8。总人口4596万(2...
FolderIcons lets you include an icon in your folder names. Make locating your favorite applications easier by using quickly identifiable icons within ...
【西双版纳】傣族自治州,位于中华人民共和国云南省南端,是云南省下辖的一个自治州。西双版纳,古代傣语为“勐巴拉那西”,意思是“理想而神奇的乐土”,这里以神奇的热带雨林自然景观和少数民族风情而闻名于世,是中国的热点旅游城市之一。 【西双版纳】移动APP是精选西双版纳文化、旅游、美食资讯,提供详细的文字介...