Wedding Fashion Salon

Wedding Fashion Salon

有什么能比一个婚礼当天更浪漫?每个女孩的梦想,成为一个美丽的新娘。玩新娘化妆,选婚纱和礼服了一个美丽的公主婚纱时尚沙龙装扮。创建一个婚礼的风格每个女孩子会喜欢! 扮靓小公主为她的婚礼。给模型神话般的外观,换装芭比娃娃与美丽的衣服,选择婚纱配饰,发型,服饰,鞋子,还有更多! 玩浪漫女孩的样子。给模型进...

Qpet Salon 寵物魔法屋-完整版

完整版一次包含三隻寵物共12種髮型! 同步提供寵物沙龍與卡片製作兩大功能喔!***剪、洗、燙輕鬆幾步驟,讓你也能變成寵物造型大師*** 剪髮、吹染、無論燙直或燙大捲-準備好為你的寵物設計一個獨領風騷的造型了嗎??? 你可以從Q Salon 所提供的柔髮造型中,設計出波浪捲、玉米燙等特殊髮型或是選擇黑...

Wedding Salon

Can you help these adorable girls get ready for their big day?
Start with a soothing spa treatment to make sure her hair and skin is clean and clear. ...

Wedding Salon

Visit the salon to relax & choose various types of spa treatments to look beautiful for the big day! Get dressed up in your beautiful dress, shoes and...