Wash Easy

Wash Easy 洗衫易

是否在洗衣前被附於衣服的古怪標籤得頭昏腦脹弄 ?本應用程式清楚圖文並茂解釋洗衣,乾衣,禁止等衣服標籤, 以中英文介面展示不同國家製造的衣服處理事項Have you confused to the clothing label when you wash it ?This App introduces...

Wash Easy

是否在洗衣前被附於衣服的古怪標籤得頭昏腦脹弄 ? 本應用程式清楚圖文並茂解釋洗衣,乾衣,禁止等衣服標籤, 以中英文介面展示不同國家製造的衣服處理事項 Have you confused to the clothing label when you wash it ? This App introdu...

Macau Easycheck

Macau Easycheck是一個讓你隨時隨地掌握澳門資訊的手機軟件。本產品擁有本澳詳盡的綜合資訊介紹,用户能查看到澳門綜藝影視 、文體活動 、停車場、澳門天氣、關口人流、六合彩等實時資訊。歡迎客戶下載使用。1.綜藝影視 - 您可以透過Easycheck第一時間了解本澳近期上映的電影、戲劇、會展、...

Train wash

Because the railways are full of misery, you've just opened an special place where you can clean all the trains. Today an very dirty train, arrive...


Unleash your inner Bansky and practice your Graffiti skills without getting yourself arrested.Take a picture of your favorite wall and get spraying, t...

Washing dishes

After a perfect afternoon with all your guests, now came the ugliest thing for you. Because you've just celebrated your birthday and you had a lot...


Oh, no! My favorite suit is spoiled!Everyone has ever been in this situation. Your favorite or just nice clothes of high quality have been irreparably...