Walden, and On The Duty Of CivilDisobedience, by Henry David ThoreauHenry David Thoreau was an American author, poet, naturalist, tax resister, survey...
Walden, and On The Duty Of CivilDisobedience, by Henry David ThoreauHenry David Thoreau was an American author, poet, naturalist, tax resister, survey...
Wo wir sind, ist oben, ganz oben auf der Landkarte, im Norden Österreichs. Und hier bei uns, ganz oben gibt es auch ganz viele tolle Ausflugsziele und...
Comet rush is a game entirely controlled by you! Make sure to hold your device as if it were placed on a table. The game is tilt-based and you must gu...
***** Ultra Pinball *****The ultimate classic pinball game with 5 different pinball tables. Each of the tables have different features and play very d...
Choose the right path to pass through the realm of demons. One small mistake may result your death. Look for item on the way, they can be big help for...
Take a look at four 3D pictures that have one word in common between them. Can you guess what the word is? (Hint - when you see a picture of a bank ca...
収録内容■中国古典・論語 孔子と弟子たち・老子、荘子 脱常識のススメ・四書五経(論語、大学、中庸、孟子、etc)■日本の古典文学・源氏物語(全54帖解説と人物解説)・五輪書 宮本武蔵・百人一首■近代文学・名作あらすじ(日本文学、海外文学)・シェイクスピア・君主論 マキャベリ・チャーチル■東アジア歴史...